
Why not become a Friend and become part of a caring group of people, helping to makes lives better for the people of South Devon.

So many people across the South Devon area have benefited from the wonderful services of Torbay Hospital. As The Trust's Medical Director states: 'In the context of the NHS financial position the support of Torbay Hospital League of Friends is more important than ever.'  Become a Friend and you will be helping to see that this community has the best possible provision in the future. You'll also become part of a very friendly network with lots of opportunities to get more involved if you would like to.

MEMBERSHIP of the League entitles you to receive a twice yearly newsletter with news of forthcoming events and fundraising successes.  It also entitles you to attend our AGM each year and take part in the election of new trustees.  The amount of subscription is entirely up to you but we respectfully suggest a minimum of £10.00 per annum.

Please download and complete the form below and forward with your subscription to:  Mrs J Hearne, Membership Secretary,

Torbay Hospital League of Friends, 10 Abbey Close, Teignmouth, TQ14 8FB.





If you would like to become a volunteer please contact Philip White Secretary on 01803298170.

Donate Now

Thank you for anything you can give, all contributions are very much appreciated.